
At Hazelwood North Primary School the staff, parents and community enjoy working together to provide a caring, supportive and dynamic learning environment that engages students, who work to achieve their personal best, in an atmosphere of mutual respect and co-operation.


At Hazelwood North Primary School we are a community of life-long learners who are inclusive, kind and curious. We are problem solvers who work together with confidence to strive for growth and excellence.


We are Respectful

We are Responsible

We are Resilient

Environmental Context

Social: Community and Demographics

  • Hazelwood North Primary School is located in a rural environment in the Latrobe Valley approximately 160 kilometers from Melbourne. The school is located seven kilometers from Morwell and five kilometers from Churchill.
  • The school, together with the local hall form the hub of the local community.
  • The school has a student family occupation index of 0.4115 and has a low proportion of students from non English speaking backgrounds. Many of the families work in the power industry or as contractors servicing the power industry. The unemployment rate amongst parents is low.
  • The current enrolment is 147.
  • Approximately 70 students travel to school by bus, the rest travel by private car. Students who attend the school live in Hazelwood North, Churchill, Morwell and Traralgon.
  • The school has an enthusiastic and professional staff. In 2022 the staff comprises of the Principal, Business Manager, seven grade teachers including a learning specialist, two teachers sharing a grade, three specialist teachers and five education support staff.
  • The school has strong community support in all aspects of school life. School Council and Parents’ Club provide strong support and advice to the principal, teachers and students.


  • The school has a focus on teaching and learning which endeavours to provide a learning environment that is supportive of all students needs. Please see our HNPS Curriculum Framework for how we structure our learning time.
  • In 2022, there are eight classes with specialist programs offered in Visual Art, STEAM, Physical Education and Library.
  • We also have a Whole School Language program teaching students Chinese (Mandarin) language and culture.
  • Currently our major focus is implementing Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) across the school to ensure a safe and engaging environment. We have also recently introduced a more explicit way of teaching phonemic awareness and phonics across the school, using Heggerty and Sounds-Write to target these areas.
  • The school is an active member of the Yinnar and District Sports Association and Churchill Cluster of schools.
  • Sporting activities, excursions, camps and visiting speakers are an integral part of the school program.

Environmental – grounds and facilities

  • We have a modern administration building, student toilets and basketball court that were completed in late 2023.
  • The multipurpose hall provides an excellent facility for gatherings, wet weather activities and performances.
  • A three classroom and flexible learning building allows for greater flexibility in student learning spaces.
  • The art/craft area also has a teacher resources section and a student kitchen where cooking activities can take place.
  • Landscaping and grounds maintenance are an ongoing project based on a whole school plan developed in cooperation with staff, students and wider school community.


  • The school uses laptops, iPads & web browsing monitors  to support student learning and flexibility within the school environment. We have the use of a Webex videoconferencing unit to support our provide a means for staff and students to communicate with others remotely and use Seesaw to share student learning.